Smashmouthing Roe v. Wade’s Arguments For Them (Muscovite Compromise Part 3)

This fight will take time. Abortion is the vile fruit of many sins. It’s the endgame of sexual immorality and worship of self. I’m pleased that Douglas Wilson, many of his readers, and many more pro-lifers desire the end of this idolatrous and wicked act. It is an incredibly important topic just based on what’s... Continue Reading →

“Smashmouth Incrementalism” is Still Fatal Incrementalism (Muscovite Compromise 2)

Over the last few days both Toby Sumpter (pastor of Trinity Reformed Church in Moscow, ID) and Douglas Wilson (pastor Christ Church of Moscow, ID) have responded to Joel McDurmon’s and my critique of Wilson’s comments on incrementalism and abolitionism. For the record, the link to the podcast in which Douglas made comments about abolitionism is here, his... Continue Reading →

Smashing the Idol of “Incrementalism”, even the “smashmouth” variety (Muscovite Compromise Part 1)

by John Reasnor and Joel McDurmon — As Christian Reconstructionists and abolitionists, Douglas Wilson’s recent article on incrementalism and the so-called “abolish human abortion now” mentality is disconcerting. This is not his first article on “incrementalism,” but it has been some time since he has been this clear in his support for it. In fact,... Continue Reading →

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