AHA, Forgiveness, and Unity

Every once in awhile there is something that I feel like I have to write. I will have an enormous burden on my heart until I get these thoughts and ideas out. This is such an article. I am also publishing this on my own personal site because, well, it is deeply personal. I will... Continue Reading →

The Covenantal Marriage: An Update

Late last year I wrote a three-part series on what I called "Covenantal Complementarianism." In these articles, I sought to introduce the idea of applying the five-point covenantal framework on authority and submission within a Christian Marriage. Applying this model corrects some of the abuses typical complementarians fall into regarding the authority of the husband... Continue Reading →

In Defense of an Unsafe Justice

In a rather silly display, I’ve seen many “anti-social-justice-warriors” make statements effectively decrying the use of extra-Biblical adjectives. Proclamations along the lines of “we don’t need social-justice because we have justice!” and “the Bible doesn’t qualify justice” are all over blogs and social media. Not only is this bold anti-adjective stance nonsensical, but it is... Continue Reading →

Defining Terms (Covenantal Complementarianism Part 1)

“Covenantal complementarianism” serves as a clarification, and sometimes a substantial correction, of the standard view of complementarianism within modern evangelicalism. It also serves as a vital bulwark against forms of egalitarianism that are clear departures from both Scriptural truth and physiological realities. The biblical, covenantal view departs from both ends of the spectrum. Christians, in... Continue Reading →

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