An Abolitionist Responds to Grace To You’s Fred Butler (Guest Post)

This is a guest post from friend and fellow Abolitionist, Alex Johnson. Although we do not wish to spend too much time responding to this sort of lightweight article, it is good that Alex responded. So much could be said about Fred Butler's article, but one striking that popped out to me was Fred's admission... Continue Reading →

(Church) Repent Isn’t a Dirty Word: Part Two

Read PART ONE here. LOCAL CHURCH AUTONOMY Some Reformed Baptists have said that Church Repent is an assault on the autonomy of the local church. This is absurd on its face because a man with a sign and some literature isn't trying to formally govern the particular Baptist church. This dearly held Reformed Baptist view... Continue Reading →

Is Oklahoma Abolishing Abortion?: Part 1

Many Oklahoman Pro-lifers are very excited by SB 15521 being passed and sent on to the Governor's Office. News headlines read “Oklahoma Passes Bill Effectively Banning Abortion” and “Oklahoma Lawmakers Pass Bill That Makes Performing An Abortion A Felony”. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Many will think so. I’m not so sure. I WILL say that the version... Continue Reading →

  One of the most important truths that I have learned over the last several years is that whenever you discern a problem and you attempt to correct that problem, you must be very careful to not over correct. Whenever you realize you are up to your knees in filth in one ditch, you don’t... Continue Reading →

Abortion Mill Basics

Over the last few weeks many have expressed interest in beginning to minister at abortion clinics. In fact, it has been a rare day that I have not seen a FaceBook post or read an email of someone desiring to care for the least of these in this particular manner. Although I’m sure much has... Continue Reading →

Church Repent is Church Love

One of the five tenets of Abolitionism is "The Obligation of the Church". There are two sides of the "Obligation of the Church" coin. One side is the obvious one that is often discussed. The Church is obligated to fight injustice. The Church is to “abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is... Continue Reading →

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